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राम लाल आनंद कॉलेज
(दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय)
Ram Lal Anand College
(University of Delhi)

NewABH VAC Practical Exam for Students enrolled in 2022 NewNotice for Addition/Change of Elective Papers for Semester-1 Students NewDUSU Election 2024-25 New Login-related instructions for ERP NewInstructions for students of Sem-1 for filling choices for elective papers on ERP New Timetable of SEC/VAC/GE/AEC w.e.f. 02-09-2024 New Orientation Programme for I semester students 2024-25 New Join webinar on 12.00 Noon, Friday, August 02, 2024 on Common Seat Allocation System [CSAS (UG)-2024] - Phase II, Key Points related to Subject Mapping and Admission Related Policies of University of Delhi.

Principal's Corner

Prof. Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Ph.D Microbiology, PDF USA

Profile & CV

रामलाल आनंद महाविद्यालय आप सभी का स्वागत करता है। राम लाल आनंद महाविद्यालय की स्थापना के समय उद्देश्य था कि नए बनते हुए भारत के युवाओं को उच्च शिक्षा के माध्यम से राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए तैयार करना। मुझे खुशी है कि महाविद्यालय स्थापना से लेकर आज तक अपने लक्ष्य और प्रयासों में सफल रहा है। हमारे विद्यार्थी राजनीति, शिक्षा, उद्योग, व्यापार और शोध के विविध क्षेत्रों में उत्कृष्ट कार्य कर रहे हैं। ...

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Rules For Passing

Pass Percentage and Promotion Rules for All the Under-Graduate Courses under Choice Based Credit System as per EC/Minutes/099/2016-17/Resolution No. (5-47).

The following provisions shall be applicable to students admitted to the Three Year Under-graduate programme under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): 12 (1) 

(a) A student who appears in an odd semester examinations or who was eligible to appear in the odd semester examinations but remains absent in any or all the papers of the said semester, shall move on to the next even semester irrespective of his/her result in the said examinations.

(b) A student who has obtained 40% on the aggregate taking together all the papers in theory examination (including internal assessment/ project work) and practical examination separately conducted in Ist and IInd semester shall be promoted to the second academic year/IIIrd semester.

(c) A student who has obtained 40% on the aggregate taking together all the papers in theory examination (internal assessment/ project work) and practical examinations separately, conducted in IIIrd and IVth semester shall be promoted to the third academic year/ Vth semester.

(d) Students who do not fulfill the promotion criteria mentioned above shall be declared fail in the promotion examination of the academic year concerned. However, they shall have the option to retain the marks in the papers in which they want to retain.

(e) If a student has secured an aggregate of minimum 40% marks taking together all the papers in theory examination (including internal assessment/ project, wherever applicable) and practical exam separately till the end of the third year, i.e., upto the end of the VIth semester, then she/he shall be awarded the degree in which the student has been admitted.

(f) A student who wants to reappear for improvement in marks in a paper prescribed for semester I/III/V may do so only in the semester examinations to be held in November-December. A student who wants to reappear for improvement in a paper prescribed in semester II/IV/VI may do so only in the examinations to be held in May/June.

(2) Re-appearance for improvement

(a) A student may re-appear in any theory paper prescribed for a semester, on foregoing in writing her/his previous performance in the paper/s concerned. This canbe done in the immediate subsequent semester examination only(for example , a student reappearing in paper prescribed for semester I examination may do so along with subsequent semester IIIrd examination and not along with papers for semester Vth).

(b) A candidate who has cleared examinations of third academic year (Vth and VIth semesters) may re-appear in any paper of V or VI semester only once, at the immediate subsequent examinations on foregoing in writing her/his previous performance in the paper/s concerned, within the prescribed span period. (Note: The candidate of this category will not be allowed to join any post-graduate courses)

(c) In the case of re-appearance in paper, the result will be prepared on the basis of candidate’s current performance in the examinations.

(d) In the case of a candidate, who opts to re-appear in any paper/s under the aforesaid provisions, on surrendering her/his earlier performance but fails to reappear in the paper/s concerned, the marks previously secured by the candidate in the paper/s in which she/he has failed to re-appear shall be taken into account while determining her/his result of the examination held currently. 

(e) Re-appearance in practical/ internal assessment shall not be allowed.

(f) All papers of Core, Elective, Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)shall be for 100 marks each and 25 marks shall be for Internal Assessment (IA).  

(g) Examination for Practical wherever applicable shall be based on continuous evaluation.

(h) Duration of end semester theory examinations of Core and Elective subjects shall be three hours.

(i) The entire evaluation process for AECC and Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) shall be undertaken by each college where the AECC and SEC are being taught and the teacher responsible for the conduct of learning of the AECC and SEC shall be responsible for the evaluation.

(j) There shall be no internal assessment in practical papers.

(k) There shall be no supplementary examinations.

(l) Paper setting and evaluation of the answer script of the concerned paper shall be coordinated by the respective boards appointed by the Competent Authority. In case of all Core Courses offered in different programmes across the disciplines, the assessment / evaluation of the theoretical component towards the end of the semester should be undertaken by external examiners from outside the college at the UG level who may be appointed by the Competent Authority. 

m) Eligibility for award of degree under CBCS.

(3) Letter grades and grade points

(a) A student who becomes eligible for the degree as per Ordinance IX, 12(1). Such a student shall be categorized on the basis of the combined result of semester I to semester VI examinations under CBCS on a 10 point grading system with the following Letter Grades as given below:

Letter Grade  Grade Point
O (Outstanding)          10
A+(Excellent)                9
A (Very Good)               8
B+(Good)                     7
B(Above Average)          6
C(Average)                    5
P(Pass)                         4
F(Fail)                           0
Ab(Absent)                    0

Issue of Transcripts: Based on the grades earned, a Grade Certificate shall be issued to all the registered students by the University after every semester and a consolidated transcript indicating the performance in all semesters. The Grade Certificate will display the course details (code, title of the paper, number of credits, grade secured) along with SGPA of each semester and CGPA earned based on overall six semesters.

(b) A student obtaining Grade F shall be considered failed and will be required to re-appear in the examinations

(c) For non-credit courses, ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ shall be indicated instead of the Letter Grade and this will not be counted for the computation of SGPA/CGPA
