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राम लाल आनंद कॉलेज
(दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय)
Ram Lal Anand College
(University of Delhi)

NewABH VAC Practical Exam for Students enrolled in 2022 NewNotice for Addition/Change of Elective Papers for Semester-1 Students NewDUSU Election 2024-25 New Login-related instructions for ERP NewInstructions for students of Sem-1 for filling choices for elective papers on ERP New Timetable of SEC/VAC/GE/AEC w.e.f. 02-09-2024 New Orientation Programme for I semester students 2024-25 New Join webinar on 12.00 Noon, Friday, August 02, 2024 on Common Seat Allocation System [CSAS (UG)-2024] - Phase II, Key Points related to Subject Mapping and Admission Related Policies of University of Delhi.

Principal's Corner

Prof. Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Ph.D Microbiology, PDF USA

Profile & CV

रामलाल आनंद महाविद्यालय आप सभी का स्वागत करता है। राम लाल आनंद महाविद्यालय की स्थापना के समय उद्देश्य था कि नए बनते हुए भारत के युवाओं को उच्च शिक्षा के माध्यम से राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए तैयार करना। मुझे खुशी है कि महाविद्यालय स्थापना से लेकर आज तक अपने लक्ष्य और प्रयासों में सफल रहा है। हमारे विद्यार्थी राजनीति, शिक्षा, उद्योग, व्यापार और शोध के विविध क्षेत्रों में उत्कृष्ट कार्य कर रहे हैं। ...

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Institutional Academic Integrity Panel

The Institutional Academic Integrity Panel is constituted to follow Professional Ethics/academic integrity in its full spirit, the college aims to check the plagiarism of research papers/book chapters/articles, etc. before their publication through the Institutional Academic Integrity panel on URKUND plagiarism check software , access provided by the Central Library, University of Delhi. This panel takes care of the plagiarism issues before publication of books or articles through the college.

The Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) has the following members:

Dr. Neena Mittal - Associate Professor, Department of Statistics- Chairperson

Dr. Vandana Gupta - Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Convenor Research and IPR Cell - Member

Mr. Rajender Singh - Assistant professor, Department of Commerce - Member
