राम लाल आनंद कॉलेज
(दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय)
Ram Lal Anand College
(University of Delhi)
ISO 21001: 2018 AND ISO 9001 : 2015
Prof. Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Ph.D Microbiology, PDF USA
Profile & CV
रामलाल आनंद महाविद्यालय आप सभी का स्वागत करता है। राम लाल आनंद महाविद्यालय की स्थापना के समय उद्देश्य था कि नए बनते हुए भारत के युवाओं को उच्च शिक्षा के माध्यम से राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए तैयार करना। मुझे खुशी है कि महाविद्यालय स्थापना से लेकर आज तक अपने लक्ष्य और प्रयासों में सफल रहा है। हमारे विद्यार्थी राजनीति, शिक्षा, उद्योग, व्यापार और शोध के विविध क्षेत्रों में उत्कृष्ट कार्य कर रहे हैं। ...
Read More1. For Registering to CUET(UG) 2024:
2. For UG Bulletin of Information and other information related to admissions in University of Delhi:
3. For Common Seat Allocation System UG :
(i) 82 Postgraduate Programs in various Departments/Centres/Colleges:
(c) Registration link is : https://pgadmission.uod.ac.in/
(ii) B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering), B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) and B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) under Faculty of Technology:
(b) Registration link https://engineering.uod.ac.in/
(iii) 5 Years BA LL.B. (H) and BBA LL.B. (H) under Faculty of Law:
Seat Matrix UG Programs 2023-24
Sports Seat Matrix UG Admissions (2023-24)
ECA Seat Matrix UG Admissions (2023-24)
Program-Specific Eligibility for the Courses offered by the College
UG Common Seat Allocation System 2023-24
Webinar-1: On Admission to University of Delhi (February 17, 2023)
Webinar-2: on Admission to University of Delhi (June 19, 2023)
Webinar-3: Phase II of CSAS University of Delhi (July 21, 2023)
Press Conference on Admissions 2023
Press Release - Admission schedule for UG admissions for 2023-2024
Admission Counselling Committee 2023-24
Admission Help-Desk Committee 2023-24
Press Release - Admission schedule for UG admissions for 2023-2024(24th July 2023)
Admission Grievance Committee 2023-24
Webinar-4: On Undergraduate Admissions:ECA and Sports quota(July 25th, 2023)
Program-Specific Eligibility for the Courses offered by the College.
Program-Specific Eligibility & Seat Matrix for the Courses offered by the College
UG Admissions 22-23 DU-BOI-Hindi
Common Seat Allocation System 2022 DU
Bulletin of Information UG Admissions 22-23 DU English
26-09-2022-Press Release, DU - Launch of Phase II of CSAS - UG 2022
16-09-2022Press Release - Calculation of CUET-2022 Merit Score - DU
Admission Fee 2022-23 First Year RLAC
Program wise Seat Matrix 2022-23 RLAC
Admission Counselling Committee
Press Conference on launch of UoD's Admission portal for Undergraduate programs
RLA College Internal Staff Ward Quota list
Non Teaching Staff AD Hoc & Contractual Ward Merit List
Permanent Non-Teaching Ward Quota Merit List RLAC
Retired_ Deceased Ward Quota Merit list
Round 1 Ward Quota Merit List Non Teaching RLAC
Round 1 Ward Quota Merit List Teaching RLAC
Teaching Staff AD Hoc & Contractual Ward Quota Merit List
Ward Quota Merit List Permanent Teaching RLAC
Ward Quota Teaching merit list RLAC
Ward Quota Non Teaching list RLAC
University of Delhi Bulletin of Information for Admission to Undergraduate Courses(2021-22)